Become A Sponsor
We are excited to announce the 16th season of the St. Augustine Ballet. The St. Augustine Ballet could not do what it does without the support of our community. Thank you for your time and consideration, we look forward to having your support of the St. Augustine Ballet. The donation and sponsorship levels information below is for the 2024 performance season.

Sponsorship Levels
Star Sponsor
Company/Individual will have the opportunity to have a personalized Saint Augustine Ballet experience.
Company/Individual name will be announced prior to all performances.
Full page color, back inside page advertisement in performance programs.
Logo on the t-shirt
Entities’ website/logo on www.saintaugustineballet.org.
Recognition on the St. Augustine Ballet social media sites.
Fifteen tickets (15) for both, fall and spring performances​
Full page color advertisement in The Nutcracker program
Logo on the t-shirts
Entities’ website listed on www.saintaugustineballet.org.
Recognition on the St. Augustine Ballet social media sites.
Four tickets (4) for both, fall and spring performances.
Guest Artist
Half page black and white advertisement in The Nutcracker program
Company name on the t-shirts.
Entities’ website listed on www.saintaugustineballet.org.
Recognition on the St. Augustine Ballet social media sites.
Two tickets (2) for your choice of fall or spring performances
Friend of Ballet
Company/Individual name listed in both performance programs.
Prima/Event Sponsor
Company/Individual will be the main event sponsor for the 2023 production of both, fall and spring shows.
Company/Individual name will be announced prior to all performances.
Full page color, back page advertisement in The Nutcracker and spring performance program.
Logo on The Nutcracker t-shirt
Entities’ website/logo listed on www.saintaugustineballet.org.
Recognition on the St. Augustine Ballet social media sites.
Six tickets (6) for both, fall and spring performances.
Full page black and white advertisement in both performance programs.
Logo on the t-shirts.
Entities’ website listed on www.saintaugustineballet.org.
Recognition on the St. Augustine Ballet social media sites.
Two tickets (2) for both, fall and spring performances.
Corp De Ballet
Quarter page black and white advertisement in both performance programs.
Recognition on the St. Augustine Ballet social media sites.
$ ~ at your discrection
This is for any amount in donation you wish to give.
Can be under ~$100.
Logo Requirements
Vector logos files preferred
JPEG formats accepted as well, min 72 DPI, and 200 x 200 px
Please email all logo files to info@saintaugustineballet.com
Advertisement Requirements and Sizes
¼ Page – 4.84” wide x 1.8” high
½ Page – 4.84” wide x 3.8” high
Full Page – 4.84” wide x 7.8” high
All advertisements must be sent in either black & white or 4 color CMYK color.
JPEG formats
300 DPI
Advertisements must come ready to print according to the above guidelines.
For all layout or design assistance, please email info@saintaugustineballet.com
Please email all finished advertisement files to info@saintaugustineballet.com